Be a Winner Beginner - Terms to know
Sew your new to quilting! Congratulation's you have joined us in a crazy, fun, wild ride of making some of the most beautiful art around!
Do you know your basic terms? Some but not all? Here is a short list of what those acronyms mean AND a guide to needles!
WOF - Width of Fabric measured from selvage edge to selvage edge.
RST - Right sides together - the front of the fabric is places again another front of fabric.
RSD- Right side down
RSU- Right side up
WST - Wrong sides together - sot sure on this one since I have not done it - maybe in a rag quilt?
WSU - Wrong side up
WSD - Wrong Side Down
UFO - Unfinished object - Projects not completed in a timely manner
WOMBAT - Waste of Money, batting and time. Bad idea all the way around.
BS - Basting stitch - used when basting your quilt
D9 - Disappearing Nine patch block
WIP - Work in Progress
PHD - Project Half done
PIG - Projects in Grocery Bags
HST - Half Square Triangle
QST Quarter Square Triangle
BOM - Block of the Month
DSM - Dometic Sewing Machine
FART - Fabric Aqusition Road Trip
FOB - Fear of Binding
FQ - Fat Quarter
LAQ - Long Arm Quilter
LQS- Local Quilt Shop
MAQ - Mid Arm Quilter
TOT - Tone on Tone
EPP - English Paper Piecing
PP - Paper Piecing
SID - Stitch in the Ditch
QAYG - Quilt as You Go - Fun technique to quilt each block BEFORE you stitch (piece) together.
SQUISHY - Receiving envelope filled with swap fabrics or purchases in mail.
And guys this is just a few. We have sew many others, which are redundant at times. However the red highlighted are ones you will hear / use the most.
It can be overwhelming, it is a good idea when you first start to find a list that has them listed for you, print and place it on the wall in your design/crafting area. I still have to look some up at times.
The photo next is on needles and how to use them! I use this one all the time actually. Your needle is your lungs to your heart (sewing machine). Without good sharp and right needles you are setting up for disaster. Since the size is geared towards fabric type, you may end up with a mess of holes left by the needle or a nest of thread because it just cant get through properly to hook underneath to your bobbin thread. Wrong size and high speed means FLYING sharp tips at your face as well. I know thankfully I wear glasses and they have saved my eyeballs more than once!
These suckers can fly at high velocity for sure. Nothing is like the feeling of that teeny tiny tip hitting your cheek or your eye! Scary!

Seeeeeeewwwwwww - here you go. I hope I have not confused you any more than when we began. Remember - Quit yer Bitchin' and start Stitchin' a beginners guide to quilting will have all this information and more in a much more simple form for those who are just not sure yet. I will keep you updated on publishing date Early Spring 2018!
Thank your for following me, if your not part of our group Quilting Perfectly Imperfect on Face Book join us there too.
and of course you can shop with me at best prices and customer service around. Adding new items daily! Check it out.
Remember a quilt unfinished is waiting to love.
Create with joy, love and compassion - lift your spirits and create beauty from within.
Until next time - Enjoy your day. If your in the wildfires or the snowy areas please keep safe and know your fellow quilters hold you near and dear. PEACE.
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