Warm Wishes for your Holiday Season!
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and all that jazz!
I know its been a while since I have posted, life LIFE life. Life just gets in the way at times, and we have to prioritize to fit ourselves for sure.
I am wishing for you all to have the best holiday season possible!
Now for an update and then on to business.

Okay, so I went to the cardiologist and all is well for now. I do have a phone in tomorrow with my U of M doctors, but believe that to be good too. I still have to do the brain scan, which is a bi yearly thing for me, part of the disease process I deal with, and no big deal. Well, except for Neurologist died and I did not know it, so onto looking for a new one again. Not complaining really, but it would have been nice to have been told about his death, and not just shuffled to a new doctor without my knowing. So the search in on on that end, no big deal just have to request a referral from one of my trusted doctors.
I am still tired more than usual, but that is due to some gastrointestinal issues, and we are working on those at the moment, so I am getting my exercise if you know what I mean, mad dashes to the restroom, truthfully - THANK GOD I am a HOME body!
Sew, I am sewing in between working on new adventures as much as I can, and making plans to expand a bit!
Here is the scoop - I am starting a YouTube channel in the beginning of 2019! No exact date yet, but it will be posted when the first one is up for you all to see. Now for the big question - what is it about?
Product reviews in the quilting and crafting world (Including more affordable sewing machines, mid arm quilters, and frames)
Pattern reviews - as in how long did it take, how easy and was it worth the time and effort. The ones I like will be offered for sale as well.
ALSO - Excited about this a link pop up system for the best deals I find for you all. Such as the Warm and Natural batting I just found on Amazon for just a few dollars more than I pay wholesale!
I know right ~!
I was surprised by that. As you all know I do not sell batting due to shipping - it gets expensive and really I do not have the room to store all of that, unless I find a drop shipper for it, which I am thinking on now as I write.
The channel will have pop up ads which just increase traffic, adds revenue to my venture and I will pass that on to you for sure in give a ways, as well as any PR I may receive I will review and then decide if it is up to QPI standards and worth the time and effort for you all! That is exciting as well.

The quilt above is my own pattern called Cardinal Puzzle Pieces - just a lot of scraps and putting them together in no order or rhyme. It was fun!
The next thing will be the end of year sale. I have a great number of items that are smaller in inventory counts that will need to moved out very soon, so I can make room for new items on order. Joyful is the code for 20% off the entire site until the end of the year! YES 20% on my already extremely low prices!
Talk about a dumb thing to do on my part, I just was not aware they could be so lame in getting orders out on time!
And truthfully, there are very few lines coming out for spring 2019 that have impressed me, they all seem retro and old to me, not that is a bad thing but I am not fond of the clothing of the 70's and a great deal of them are just that, a remake of those designs. SEW! It will be selective at best. I have found several I do like. However, I am not sure on the delivery dates of them at this time.
NOW FOR EXCITING NEWS - Partnering with Benartex I will be offering exclusive (collections) for Haver Island Design in pre cut sets!! Including Fat Quarters, Rolls, Charms and Layer cakes!!!
WOW talk about cool!
And for the final order of Business - T shirts and apparel are in the layout process now and will be available for QPI as well as a few other fun designs I have up my sleeve. You WILL be able to buy the type of shirt or sweat shirts you like as in style and design. I will post when those are available. They will be direct shipped upon order from the manufacturer to ensure better delivery and less stress on myself. Remember I am still a one man show here in Michigan on the business end.
I think I am most excited about the Amazon affiliation, as I am able to offer you all what you are looking for including reviews of products, pricing and worth all at the same time. I am not going to have a channel that shows you how to sew a quarter inch seam or press open a seam for 9 minutes of the tutorial, I think you all are able to do this. I may do one on just that, and what it takes to get a good seam allowance or the right direction on pressing but I am not filming all of that for you all to make the video longer and such, it is just redundant. I feel time is wasted with this for myself - or- maybe it is just me?
Most important often times I will post direct links to patterns - THIS IS NOT A COPYRIGHT Infringement, there are people who actually do want you to get their patterns for free! I went to Law School too, and have done a great deal of research on this topic for the last months, while down and bored, but that just made me more bored and was worth it, I slept well afterward. Also, many designers and supplier sites offer free patterns, that I will be able to review, link and share with you all!
Sew that is it for this post, I will try to do better once the holiday season is complete!
JOYFUL is the code for 20% off at http://haverislanddesign.com
Peace and Joy to you all - until next time Enjoy, create, and be happy.
Happy Holidays!
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