It's Monday - Again...

So I took the day off all day Sunday for me, and nothing at the same time. I did however get some meal prep done, and a few other small little things, but NOTHING major. I just did not feel like it I was tired and slept. OH MY I slept well too. Thus being up at this time of the morning which is now 207 A EST. I woke up at about 830 pm not knowing where I was, what time it was, NOTHING I was lost for a few minutes for sure. But that just says I slept hard. I needed it.

Few things happening due to medication over the weekend started on Thursday and I tried to push through, but then well I ended up in the ER to be sure nothing serious was happening. And so far nothing is. But I am sure to be getting phone calls and emails today to let me know test results, and such; and OH yeah it is time for the dreaded Upper and Lower GI thing. I did not think it had been 10 years, but I think when you hit 50 your insurance requires a new one.

I have come to the conclusion I must listen to my body and sleep when it tells me too, so I will be on weird times from now on. If it works to sleep during the day or late in the afternoon then I will do that, just so I can get back to being productive, and have normal thoughts and not lose them in a split second after having them. My memory is terrible right now, due to medications once again. I hate them all.

I have made the prototype for my Project Linus Quilts, at least the first batch, I am not sure how much I will get from the 30 yards of fabric, so I am going to cut that and make those and then see where I am with my planned 35 this year. Very easy pattern I made up as I went along, now to just get it all cut and ready to be sewn. I moved my PQ1500 Brother machine back up stairs for now, it is inset into my cabinet I had for another machine, and I love it, so fast and accurate it is amazing. But alas it will have to be returned to it's home on my Frame soon, as I have several needing quilted. BUT shhhhh - If I find another one or better price for the same I am getting it for sure! I like my Janome HD, but it is not like the PQ at all.

I bought the Janome thinking what a great little machine. Little is the operative word there for sure! I may even replace my Brother that had all those gorgeous stitches, and I killed it I used it so much, I mean fried the mother board in it. I miss it well... It was amazing when I was doing Quilt as you Go, with all those stitches to be used on the quilting of each block. And that is one thing I love to do is QAYG! Getting ready to cut a lot more fabric for that too. I just like the ability of seeing it all come together at once. I do have one that I have to get done as well, just too much applique and I think I can get away with the block's I have done and it will all be good. I just have not wanted to go down and square it and put it together as I did a bit different style this time.

I just realized I really need to clean my computer screen, ugh yuck! I squashed this most annoying fruit fly gnat thingy on it, and now I have smears. Blech.

Okay back clean screen!

Sew, we have not really talked on any new subjects of late, just me my health and I it seems. I am getting away from that soon I hope, I want to be "normal" as I can. But man some days are just nope you are not.

I have decided to move away from all the fabrics I carry in store for sure. I am going to go for Panels, pre cuts and specialty items only. I am sitting on a lot of fabric that is just not moving, and I will be making a coupon code here soon for those of you who follow me here on the blog. Then I will post it to the group for everyone else. My decision is simple really. I am in the design stages of my own panels, and they are custom one of a kind, NO one else will have them ever, unless I get made a really sweet deal. This is my and my sisters art work. So we take pride in being able to offer it to you all. It has been and will be a long road to getting where I want it to be for sure, but well worth it. I think I have a couple more samples coming this week If I am not mistaken. I figured out some things on my own, then the IT team have been a great help with the uploading of my designs for sure. Now to start all over on that process!

Yep, Monday for sure. I have a million and one things to do as I am sure you all do too. I have Pinterest things to do, Red Bubble things to do, and twitter and Instagram, and You tube as well. I need to get another chapter of the book written too. I have to stay busy and know I am still able to do things while I can, we never know what tomorrow or even today can bring.

But I do know this. Letting yesterday go - makes a hell of a difference in my every day life. No more stressing on what could have been, I can not change that and frankly neither can you; we can not go back only forward.

Speaking of forward time change is coming too March 10th. I hate it, why can't we just stay on the same time all the time. Seriously it is just a pain in the ass to change, then you get used to it; and it changes again.

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And as that thought flits off into the twilight, I remember I need to add to my list of to do's for things I want to get done or at least try out pattern wise and design wise as well. I do not have a planner, just a list is all. I am not an anal quilter person for sure. I do not have to catalog, set up a calendar, and plan it out to the second. Hell most of time I have about 8 projects going at the same time. I like variety and being able to change it up when I am bored.

Then there is garden season coming too. UGH now that I do have to plan out. Planting time here in Michigan is just weird we must follow the weather patterns, so maybe by July I will have things planted. Not complaining for sure, we did not get as much snow as so many others did, only lost power twice so far, and well I hope it killed all the damn stink bugs too.Click the Link below for 15% coupon Clink below link for great deals!

You will notice the blue links throughout here too. Click em for great deals and short cuts to your favorite deals.

Well, I think I need to go cut some fabric after this cuppa. I want to at least say I did accomplish something besides laundry and cleaning the kitchen today.

Until next time Be kind, create well and give of yourself freely - it will be returned ten fold.



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