Quilting mends the Soul - Insomnia

Well, now I am just pissed. I had an entire post done, and ready to publish and I hit a button I do not kow what it was and it is all gone. Maybe it was meant to be, I had a little rant in there, that maybe should not have been. I need to journal those moments I have.

Sew, I had a mania night, I did not sleep at all. Got a lot of quilts done I wanted to do though. But, it was odd to be so involved and needing to get things done all at once, but it is done now and off the To Do List. I almost started another, but decided to read and go to bed. Well HELL that did not work either, I read the entire book and went to bed at 0500 and then woke up at 0900! yep, I am a grouch today too. No peopling today for me.

Also, you may see my typing as odd. I switched to my Dell notebook over my desk top, I just don't want to always have to sit at my desk to write. I need some time to get use to this keyboard again, its been at least 5 years since I last used this. And I hate that little thing you use to move the cursor I need to get a mouse for this.

I have been itching for days, not allergies either. It is something with the Lupus, my skin is in a flare, as i do have discoid lupus which only effects the skin. So it is making me nuts and the only thing that works is more prednisone, which make me more manic, no thanks not tonight.

I have plenty to do for sure. I have orders to prep, quilt tops to make, house to clean etc., but when you have insomnia for days like I do nothing is interesting anymore, or the energy is just not there.

They say drink warm milk before bed. Nope not doing that. Also, go pee before bed, do not drink caffeine, or a lot of anything one to two hours before bed. Turn off your devices 3 hours before bed, remove the t.v. from your bed room - now this I did do and I like it much better. I do have my kindle for reading, but I changed the back to black with white letters as it is easier on the eyes, and less of a stimulant to your brain. The sepia choice is good too. I have also heard if you have a lot to do on your to do list, do one thing before bed, so that it is not nagging at you.

But today people are so involved in everything. They have their phones or devices in their faces 24/7. They have their kids in every sport and activity out there, and run non stop. When I was a kid it was make a choice and do that one thing, not all of them, and that was a good thing for me. Now my sister was in a lot of sports and they sometimes overlapped, but that was the norm as one was ending and another starting, so that was okay. But for me I chose orchestra and field band, that was by season, so I like it, I could practice at home most of the time, unless we had a show then we did do extra. But as for me, I was outside in the shade, or inside with my grandma doing something as my parents worked odd hours. I did NOT have phone privileges until I was 12~! WTH! a 1100.00 i-phone was not an option, nor would it be today! Kids today are spoiled too much!

But all those things listed may work for you. For me mostly not. I have tried them for sure. But, when I have mania like last night I just go with it, get it done, and then move on. If goes on for a couple of days, then it is time for medication to make it stop.

UGH I really need a mouse, over this pad thingy!

Turn your phones off at night if possible, or at least on vibrate. The notifications or going to keep you awake. I know some have kids that are away, and need phones on, but that is a major cause of anxiety and insomnia, is your phone. I know it is NOT A LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM! And who the hell needs their appliances connect to their phones. SERIOUSLY! That is laziness at its best! I am not politically correct in anyway, so get used to that, if the words form in my head they are going to come out my mouth or this case out of my fingers! So that is me. I am not here to please anyone in every aspect. I may offend someone, but you know what you are an adult choose to let it get to you or let it go. There!

That is important! LET IT GO! If it is not going to change your life in any significant way LET IT GO! What is the use of worrying over something you are not going to solve in the middle of the night, and if someone hurt your feelings, grow a tougher skin, or say it right then to their face, everything you have in your head that your are saying to them, so it out loud then and now! Stop keeping it in. I don't. I have not enough room in my head for all that crap! People are entitled today or so they think. They think they can say and do anything they want to another human being. It is like that scene in 'Fried Green Tomatoes', where they say "face it lady were younger and faster", and then TAWANDA comes out! Love that scene, that is me so much, I won't take the BS of anyone today. But in truth their are days I just don't go out due to not knowing what will happen anymore.

That brings me to my next point. I DO NOT watch the news, except for weather and then most likely I will check that on the app thing on t.v. that I can read and not have to hear it. The news will keep you up at night, it is frightening all that is happening around us, and you don't know what is true anymore. SO I just avoid it, if I can. Social media is not a must for me either. I can sign off, and not be bothered, I do not care what the Karcrakians are doing, or what hollywood couple cheated. Just don't. It is not important to me. When you have a disorder that causes insomnia, you have to choose what and who you let in your life!

You have the power to control your incoming information, and that will make a world of difference, unless you have a manic night, then it is just let the good times roll, get it done, get through and hope for the best. Thankfully those are few and far between for me, but I know when I have one, get to it, and let it happen. Work through it and just say tomorrow is now, and I will sleep today If I have to or IF I can. If not, rest then. Take time to read, veg, and do nothing if you so desire. Let it go, and then do nothing about it. If you can not change it right then, it is not the time to try. I mean what can you do at 3 am when you have to make a call to get an answer. Journal it though, so you have record of what your thoughts were, and what you needed to do. I get brain fogged when I do not sleep well for many nights in a row.

Hell, this week I think I spent 3 days in bed reading, and resting. It was great. I needed it, and I feel better for it. That could have caused the mania though, where it was just go go go go. This bout was odd, I just had to get it done! But, it was worth it since I now have three very nice quilts ready for quilting. NOW to have a night where I can stand there and quilt them all in one night! LOL! That would not be good, as I would not be able to move for two weeks after! Thankfully none of them have a delivery date on them, so that is that. Now I can move on to other things I have ready to go, and get two more done for my aunts that have not gotten one yet.

Sew, that is it for today.

Create, be well, rest and enjoy the day.

Til next time.



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