One World - A million Quilts
We live on a round thing that floats in the air, surrounded by many other round things that float in the air. We see the same sun, the same moon, and the same stars...
We speak many languages, are of many diverse backgrounds and beliefs. It isn't often we find exact similarities in our worlds (countries).
One true similarity [I] have found is the basics of quilts. It has fabric, thread, shapes, colors, textures and oh so many variations so much so we tend to see three or four even six designs in a block depending on how we orient them together.
Quilting Perfectly Imperfect page on Facebook [I] started only a few months ago. Three people from three different states it was. Today we have 16, 013 members literally from around the world. Oddly, or not so odd - the diversity isn't an issue. But oh how the inspiration flows, the friendships bloom and the sheer magnitude of the idea that we all came together for one thing - Quilting. Amazes me still.
What are the differences in our work, fabrics, ideas? Many, oh so many.
What is it that drives us all? Love of creation, a passion of the art, and need to learn something new. For some however being able to see the beauty in the creations of each of us lifts the spirits, instills the truth of peace and tranquility, and at times a remembrance of a loved one who is no longer with us.
Quilting gives me peace.
It helps me ground myself again, and allows me to have a few moments or hours of existing in a peaceful world full of joy.
When I am looking at the post on my group page, I have to say I do say "WOW I love it", 100 or more times. The beauty I get to relish daily often most of the day is just too hard to explain. Men, women, and children created these awesome pieces, and each one has its own identity, quirks, and energy.
While the similarities are vast; so are the interpretations of the block(s). Color choice can evolve a simple block into something so intricate we can compare two exact creations side be side, and see them in two lights due to color choice. Examples of two patterns I created - Same exact block with different colors and a few less in one than other of those blocks.
[gallery ids="250,251" type="rectangular" link="file"]
Illusions are one of the best sets to try this with. Even though I have taken the same block and only changed the colors can you see how the red and black and gray has more movement, where the purple and green has less? Now here is another example:
Same exact quilt! One block turned on the end, giving more movement, and orientation.
What is the point of this? One block, multiple colors, different orientations! Our world in a quilt a million different ways.
Orient your world, open your minds and hearts and allow the diversity of it all too come together into something that is loved no matter how it came about.
Remember a quilt unfinished is waiting to love...
Thanks for coming by today. I hope I gave you a bit of inspiration in one way or another.
We speak many languages, are of many diverse backgrounds and beliefs. It isn't often we find exact similarities in our worlds (countries).
One true similarity [I] have found is the basics of quilts. It has fabric, thread, shapes, colors, textures and oh so many variations so much so we tend to see three or four even six designs in a block depending on how we orient them together.
Quilting Perfectly Imperfect page on Facebook [I] started only a few months ago. Three people from three different states it was. Today we have 16, 013 members literally from around the world. Oddly, or not so odd - the diversity isn't an issue. But oh how the inspiration flows, the friendships bloom and the sheer magnitude of the idea that we all came together for one thing - Quilting. Amazes me still.
What are the differences in our work, fabrics, ideas? Many, oh so many.
What is it that drives us all? Love of creation, a passion of the art, and need to learn something new. For some however being able to see the beauty in the creations of each of us lifts the spirits, instills the truth of peace and tranquility, and at times a remembrance of a loved one who is no longer with us.
Quilting gives me peace.
It helps me ground myself again, and allows me to have a few moments or hours of existing in a peaceful world full of joy.
When I am looking at the post on my group page, I have to say I do say "WOW I love it", 100 or more times. The beauty I get to relish daily often most of the day is just too hard to explain. Men, women, and children created these awesome pieces, and each one has its own identity, quirks, and energy.
While the similarities are vast; so are the interpretations of the block(s). Color choice can evolve a simple block into something so intricate we can compare two exact creations side be side, and see them in two lights due to color choice. Examples of two patterns I created - Same exact block with different colors and a few less in one than other of those blocks.
[gallery ids="250,251" type="rectangular" link="file"]
Illusions are one of the best sets to try this with. Even though I have taken the same block and only changed the colors can you see how the red and black and gray has more movement, where the purple and green has less? Now here is another example:

What is the point of this? One block, multiple colors, different orientations! Our world in a quilt a million different ways.

Remember a quilt unfinished is waiting to love...
Thanks for coming by today. I hope I gave you a bit of inspiration in one way or another.
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