Oh how the mighty can conquer!

Hello, and Welcome to my blog. This is the first new post with the new look and more features added. So let me know what you think! I will be adding more and more as the weeks go on.

Sew, where are we at in this first month of 2019?

Well, for me I am in my studio writing when I should be organizing and getting ready to post the first of the real you tube videos. Alas, I was side tracked once again, and started working on this the new blog look and layout. But I am getting there. I have made many strides. I am going to answer some questions in this post as well. I just can not do it all on Quilting Perfectly site, there are just too many post per day for me to keep up with; and I do not sit with my phone in my hand [Hell most of the time I have no idea where my phone is]!


First how am I doing since surgery 10/04/2018 - Very well! I had a check up last week in Ann Arbor with my Electrophysiology Cardiologist and just a few tweaks needed to be done to my implanted device. For those who do not know - I have an ICD Implanted Cardiac Device which is a combination of a pacemaker and defibrillator in one! It helps to keep my heart beats regulated and on point (most of the time). I have to be careful with exertion, exercise, and being around things with high volume spinning motors.

A member asked me: "How do you do so much"?

Well, truthfully. I really don't do that much. I just have goals for each day and I either meet them, or start them, then move on. It is simple really. I am retired due to medical issues so I have the entire day at home most of the time, I very rarely go out to do anything other than errands or appointments. I remain very docile and am quite happy to do so. I do not let my illness define me, I define what my illness's allow me to do. I am never a woe as me person, I just get up do it and go on. I have lived with this for so long is a part of me. For those who do not know I have many medical issues which stem from Systemic Lupus Erythmatosus and Scleroderma. Connective tissue and Immune System issues basically. So the staying home just helps to keep me healthier.

Now what is going on with the You Tube channel and how do you get to see the videos -

It is in the infancy stage of course. I just got my camera set up, and learned how to use that, since I have never used a video camera before, it is not a camera. Then I am working on getting the filming area done and set up. Progress was slow, but now I have my lay out done, and am getting things moved around where I want them, it is getting close to reality. I am not hurrying this part as I want it to look a certain way. But it is getting there, after next week I will start doing videos! Also, if you look you will find a link in the blog that takes you directly to my videos once they are up loaded. So Subscribe, Like, comment, and Use the little bell for notifications for the the blog and you tube both!

New Fabrics -

Oh this one was a bit daunting for a bit. I did upload previews of new items on order which will come out as they are released and I will notify every one of what is available and when on QPI page

Just click that link up there! Members always get the first notification before the store site does. The store link is http://haverislanddesign.com . Just click it!

Orders - If you have one you have not received yet, please email me at: bloggerted69@gmail.com

This will let me know who I have left to get orders out to as well. I am shipping this weekend for sure, I think I have everything done and out for 2018, but I am known to be wrong! So Look for an email with your shipping information on it and tracking id!

Whats next?

Not sure. I am going to get back to work, so I can find my cutting table top and get those orders out I have to do, and hope to be getting more. There will be items updated soon, as I am going to get some things out in Fat Quarter Form I just do not have the room to keep all of it for myself, and well it is a business that needs to make money too!

Looking forward to your feedback back on the new layout here, and many new things to come too!

Until Next time!




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