Quilting Mends the Soul - Life gets in the way

Hello, yes it has been a few days since I last wrote. Truthfully life has gotten in the way of things.

I have had appointments across state for the past two weeks, thankfully a break here for the next couple of weeks, and will be having a cardiac surgical procedure early October. Talk about stress! Oh well, as long as I can get off this medication (Amiodarone) I will be happy, I am hoping I only have the one ablation, if another is due then we will discuss heart transplant - [Secretly wishing for this] as my life would be changed for the better.

Sew, what can you do when life gets in the way?


Seriously when you have to get on with your life, you have to put on the right color britches and just get it done. I have pushed through some of my worst days to get the things done I need to do. YES. I have paid for it after. But it is the price of chronic illness and life curve balls. I have way too many of those.

Roll with the punches I say.
Keep strong
Keep your head up and move forward
Keep yourself in line with what you can and can not do
Know your limits
Don't care what others think
Do it to the best of your ability

Here is the thing. When you have a chronic illness no matter what it is, you are going to have good and bad days. Period.

Relish the good days, and try to do what you can, but know you are going to pay for it the next couple of days.

Like me, the drive across state and back is a killer for me, but I have to do it in order to see the specialist who do my care. I have too many ailments to list. So the day I get home I am ready for the next couple of days to be shite loads of fun! Do I do anything? Hell to the NO! I sleep and veg out. Read and sleep and eat. I deal with aches and pains for a few days after these trips. So I have to plan accordingly. Like today spinney head and all that goes with that, yesterday just plain old dumb. I wanted to order an area rug for my bed room. WELL. I got a Keurig coffee pot instead NO rug, I somehow ordered a Keurig, but I know I was looking at area rugs. Yep. DUMB! Oh well, I think I needed a new one anyway.

I did what I could yesterday, but NOT what I had hoped to do. Today. Well lets just say I have made no dents in my to do list really. I did however get what I HAD to get done, that is a thing for me, know what is most important and get it done while I can, well while I can think with relative cognitive responsibility. So that is done. I will be lucky to get dinner done without burning it today though.

Sew, with that all being said. Just know there are days you are going to BOMB at whatever you try to do. Just move on from it. Let it be for now. But do what Is the MOST IMPORTANT, I mean don't forget to feed your kids or cats or what ever relies on you to feed it. Kind of important there.

Don't get discouraged.

Don't get down and out - without knowing things will get better and then bad again it is the cycle.

Organize something a project, thread, or just read a good book. Who cares what others think. WE ARE NOT LAZY we are NOT our Chronic Illness. It doesn't define us!

NO! We define it, as in we know our limits and we keep to it. We learn to live with them, not for them. We have to keep plugging away at life as best we can, and not worry about keeping up with others who do not have our struggles every day.

We are not our disease, but we have one that is real even if we do not show signs outwardly.

I tell you this. Let someone call me lazy. I will walk circles around what they do in a day any day. Unless I am too tired to fight with them, then I just ditch em! No use for that kind of person in my life. If you don't know by now, then you are not worth the time to explain to again. I just move on. I am a homebody, and I love it. People do not get it. We can not do what we used to. We can not rise to the occasion on a whim. We can not get ready to go in a few minutes it has to be planned. AND if we do not feel like it and have said so, don't badger us. I for one will take your head off if you badger me to do something, If I say NO I mean NO. I hate to people as it is. Do not expect me to play nice when I don't feel like it never comes out good. One stupid comment and I am off my rocker and my meds all at once, it is NOT pretty!

Too many expectations leads to too many ailments following.

I am not saying ditch your friends and family...

But. Do know your limits. Know life gets in the way, and you have to limit yourself as to what is most important for today.

That's it for today. I have a spinney head, and am just done for now.

take care and until next time be your own best advocate.



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