Colorways - choosing a fabric line

Colorways are the easiest way to create a coordinated quilt top! How do you find them and what to choose.

Well, today is Tuesday; caught up yet? Yeah, me either! Orders to do, and holiday trimming to complete. It is that time of year when you just don't have enough time in a day to get it all done!

A little thing I have found to make decisions in quilt tops easier and more efficient in choosing is the colorway experience!

What is a colorway? Good question! A colorway is a line of coordinating fabric by any designer that goes well together, I would say just about all have them, but finding them in the right row or collection is a bear sometimes, especially with inexperienced sales staff.

So you go to your fabric dealer (yes its a dealer and it feeds your addiction) I am one! But it is legal all the way! Swear.

Okay you are there, again in those isles of fabric, and ideas are flying out of your head like sparrows whom are atwitter in spring! NO! focus, focus focus. " I am looking for floral's and vines and creams"... Go with a plan of what you are looking for! OR you will walk out with everything you did not go for! IT's an addiction remember, you must fill that void, and the void can be filled with blues, silver, red, green, gold, orange and and and!


So, you have the pattern set for sure. You have the colors you want. TA DAH! You have your color way and you did not know it! Or maybe you did. Newbies this is a colorway, what is in your vision! But, they are sold in colorways too.

Okay walk with purpose, go to the section you are looking for: Lets say purple to lavender with green vines and cream blenders. So you get to the section, and you see them all lined up standing at attention, and you hear them calling out to you: "Pick me, Pick ME"!

STOP IT! Get that hand back away from that teal! IT is NOT on the list!

Now, if you did not; go get a cart and breathe! Yes, nice deep breathes and calm yourself. You are on a MISSION!

Why a cart? Two reasons: 1. it is a place to set the fabric as you take it down and 2. it can be like a table of sorts to lay things next to one another. Often a colorway has 20 plus fabrics in it! NO, you do not need all of those! And if you are lucky they are together in rows like a little family waiting for you to make them a new home out of the stark lights of the shop!

TIP! If you know your designer and color way. Go on line look at those first! It helps to narrow it down. And if possible order them on line as a set!

Okay, so back to your chosen area of color.

First pull the feature fabric - the one that is the most used in your top. This gives you the other color choices to look at. Get it off the shelf, and look oh so lovingly at it, did you get palpitations? Yes, then it is right. NO? start over! Find the one that speaks to you first! Then once you have it, look at the selvage edge and there is a color way list on it! WELL, most do anyway.

Sew, now you have the main fabric and you need blenders! The ones that go with the main. Pull from the colors in the main fabrics, you do not have to match perfect, but be in the similar color line. As I said good stores will have them together or offer them in pre cut sets!! BUT, the selvage edge will be your best friend to get those colors faster. Go next to a window with real light to test it out! NOT THE STORE LIGHTS!

So a colorway is a line of colors which get along, blend well, or compliment each other.

Or a colorway is one defined by the designers - But you do NOT have to buy them all, you would be poor like me since I tend to do that for the online store which is at ! Visit us please get me out of debt! And you can always pm me if you need help getting what you are looking for.

But seriously, a colorway is one that compliments the main fabric you have chosen. It is easy to get fabrics from different lines to compliment one another as well. If you take the time to look at the colors in your main fabric.

When a new line comes out it can be upwards of 20.00 a yard, and you do not want to spend a ton of money to get that whole line at that amount, unless you really must have it and it is something you have save for. You can get colors similar to those or patterns as well at lower prices to go with that one amazing feature fabric! Remember BUDGETS and addictions generally do not get along. Sew, try to set one and stick to it. Also know the cuts you need for the top you are making, it helps with getting the fabrics in smaller quantities and lowers the cost. Take the pattern with you Every Time you go to the store!

We now offer various cuts as well, so you can buy in the amounts you need!

Remember a quilt unfinished is a quilt waiting to love.

Have a creative fun time today!


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