On a Dime

Life changes on a dime - I know from experience.

I wrote previously on being sure to keep our health in check when quilting and creating, then Friday Everything changes for me as well.

I was feeling fine; getting ready to put fabrics up in the store which had arrived that day, I had even posted to the group that day they would be up later that night. Excitement ensued as the Winnie the Pooh Panels had come in and may were anticipating those to go with a few other fabrics they had picked. I was determined to get them up and ready for everyone.

Thursday I had the eye issue with dilation that would not go away for hours. Wednesday I had the incident of a medication given to me that I am NOT to have due to another medication I must have in order for my heart to heal and keep beating in regular pace.

I am not sure what actually happend however I had noticed my heart rate had increased significantly late Thursday afternoon and attributed it the medication issue from the previous days. I figured as well it would convert on it's own without issue. Thursday passed without incident other than being very very tired and just in general not feeling well. I went to bed early that night - awoke the next morning after about 10 hours of sleep and noticed my heart rate was still the same at 138 bpm. Resting heart rate for a normal healthy adult is between 80-100 bpm. My rate was as though I had been working out that morning. So I took the medication I am supposed to convert me back before my implanted cardiac device delivered a shock. I still felt off.

When I moved the boxes of fabric to get ready to put in the computer, I was very winded and then felt very dizzy. MY HEART RATE had INCREASED; and then I felt a pop like sensation in the center of my chest. So this made me think I better go get checked out. I did so, I drove to he ER and was put into a room, and then the test began etc., then soon I was transferred to the BIG hospital in Kalamazoo - as the smaller satellite could not get me converted with IV medication which normally works. I was not scared or concerned as I knew I was in good hands, they take care of me regularly.

I arrived in Kalamazoo, had a room ready for me, nurses recognized me said HI etc., not a normal thing for most, but I have many issues over the past year. Many of you know I just came off Oral Chemo, and am immune suppressed, the person in the other bed was one who did not cover his cough and sneezes so I let them know and they moved me to a private room right away. I met with doctors and they began assessment. I was just there, no big deal I have dealt with this.

Of course the IV was hooked up, blood test were done, and the million and one questions were asked. After about an hour they decided the medication was not working and I need manual conversion - What does that mean? They had to shock me internally with my implanted device. The tech was on the phone with specialist who was telling him what he wanted done. It took FIVE times to get back into normal rhythm. Let's just say my chest is a bit sore today, as well as all the pokes from the needles. But I am good.

My point of this blog post is that I was perfectly fine Wednesday until I was given a medication which should have been noted had a HIGH risk with other medications I currently take. The medication was an antibiotic for something I DO NOT HAVE! My bad for NOT checking myself as I usually do; however I have never had an issue with my doctor doing this before, however we did a phone consult and he was busy but felt due to lab results I needed this particular drug. I mean I am nurse I do know better; but felt bad that day and just said okay. I also should have know to go the ER Thursday night, however I was just reprogrammed so if my rate had gone just a few more beats higher it would have converted me with internal shocks - I am not to fond of those either.

We have to advocate for ourselves, we need to know what our meds are and we need to be sure the doctors and pharmacist (who by the way) did NOT catch the contraindication either which is their job. I am sure it was alerted to him or her as it was listed as High / Major.

While this is not technically quilt related it is related to you who do have any sort of health issue(s). We need to be vigilant and know ourselves and our medications. It is important for our own health.

Take care of yourselves, and I will be back later this coming week. I hope to get some of my own projects done and take it easy for a week. I will process orders as they come in. I will not over do it, and I will pay attention to myself for sure.

Thanks for reading.




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