Quilting Mends the Soul - Thankful
One week from today will be Thanksgiving, but in my house it is every day!
Well for me I am thankful for everyday I have improvement, or a milestone is made for me in the way of my health, and life in general.
Where is this coming from you may ask? I just finished de boning a turkey and began making stock from the left over, classic Christmas music playing in the back ground and it is snowing looking like down feathers falling from the sky at the moment.
As well, yesterday at a routine pulmonology visit, I was able to maintain O2 saturation levels high enough I am able to go off oxygen therapy! It is for now, and I will take it. For those of you who are not tethered to a long tube that maxes at one hundred feet, and you live in a larger home as I do, it is very difficult to be kept in one spot for so long at a time, or just maintain a normal level of living. So this is a good thing for now.
Yes, my Christmas tree is ready to go up, it is in the middle of the living room floor and I am just not ready to stand it up yet. (EDIT it is standing up now) Maybe later today. I have done much already this morning, and have other things I need to get done as well. But for now, a quick nap is in order. I am back on a normal schedule for sleep as it stands now, we will see how that goes. But it is what it is, and we deal with it.
I have sew many projects going, and am switching off and on to them, so I am having a variety of things getting done and a bit more satisfaction as I complete each one, and knowing progress is being made on others at the same time is a good feeling. Satisfaction is always guaranteed when we create. AND having Holiday sounds and smells in the air are just the icing and cherry on the proverbial cake!
Now, stress! It IS the Holiday Season after, with around 29 holidays in the span of November 17th through January 5th or so, there are a lot of them. I still say Merry Christmas to those I know, and Happy Holidays to those I do not, and well it depends on the moment, but Merry Christmas will always be ingrained in me, it just is. No shame. But the stress of it all.
Is it worth it?
Absolutely not! Do not put undue stress on yourself to please others. It never has an outcome to write home about!

Now those two right there, they know how to do the holidays. Let it flow! And the love between them, keeping one another warm, and well yes there is always a little drama between them but they are twins and that is just how it is! But they get past it every time usually with in fifteen minutes, take a note from Henry and Oliver and let it go.

That right there is my mantra and is on the wall of my studio, so I see it every time I am there, even to run down just to grab something, I see it. Find yours put it where you can see it and remember it. It is all in the Attitude you have.
I read some post today on Quilting Perfectly Imperfect this morning actually I woke up to it. I was appalled a 71 year old person could be so rude to someone with Breast cancer who asked for thoughts and prayers for her upcoming double mastectomy. Granted I do not know that persons story, whether she is a victim of the fires happening in California, or other circumstances - but to berate another person for the perils in life; there is not an excuse for it. At least not one that is acceptable to me. Let your stress's go, let your life be yours, and do not plaster it over social media, if you want to move on then do so, but do not berate another or take out your frustrations on others. Scream into a pillow, yell at the sky, ask why or whatever it is you have to do to get through it, but leave others out of it and for Gad's sake leave it off social media (UNLESS) you need that much attention to feel alive!
Sew I just took a break and took out the tree, base is standing up the other two parts next to it, and then moved some things out of my way, but still have two things to move so I can get it where I want it to start unfurling the branches and get it fluffed and ready to go up for the season. I LOVE CHRISTMAS! And I think it should be enjoyed for more than a week or so, I leave my tree up until January as it is without fake gifts under, however I do usually have two very furry happy cats under it sleeping the day away no matter if the lights are on or not, they love it and so do I! SO HAPPY HOLIDAY'S ALREADY!
"Rock, Paper, Throat punch - I WIN!" That line just killed me! Too funny I am not a Grinch in any way, but know a few that may just get that t shirt for Christmas!
OH and my Mother has already started with "what do you and Nick want or need for Christmas"? UM, well I have everything I need, nothing I really want, just think of me and Nick and get what you think is best, but no gift cards - the easy way out! NOPE not doing it, well I am lying there is one Nephew I just have no idea how he lives his life, so gift cards make sense for him, he is so very different from his brothers, and well it is just a good thing for him since he is very eclectic. So I guess it is okay, but not for everyone, I put thought into my gifts I purchase. I am trying to make a lot of quilts for gifts, but not sure they will be done in time. I guess I better get sewing and quilting and binding! Last Christmas Eve I was up literally until just the time before I needed to leave for my mothers binding a quilt! BUT - my great niece just born came from that quilt as it was then dubbed "the baby maker" when it was received and it worked!
Sage, pepper, onion, garlic and turkey juices are filling the air at the moment. I have a White pine Christmas tree scent in my oil warmer too! It is just the best day today so far. I hope you too are making the best of it, even if you may feel you need to hibernate under the covers, make it from the bed to the bathroom and back, make the best you can of it!
Here is my thought for the day to you who are dealing with health issues or others at the moment - let them happen, let them be and allow them to heal. You all made sure I followed the rules while I was on the mend which every day I am on the mend, that is part of the disease process, and life as we age. But we can do it best how we do it. No matter what others think, or what you think they think - let it go. Do you, Be you and Love you! It is best for you to do so.
Stressing over gifts needing to be done, or made or bought is never an enjoyed part of anyone's life. So if you need to give a will get it to you, or a gift card if it is best option, but to make yourself stress over a gift you made is not enjoying the process. Let it happen and it will be what it is. At least this is how I do it.
Sew that is it for today!
Peace and Happy times to you all. Take care of you, and the rest will follow. Prayers to those affected by the fires, and those who just need a bit of uplifting today. I do always and will always turn my eyes towards the heavens no matter what maybe falling upon me, and ask for a bit of encouragement. '"YES, Annelle I pray"! There I said it, now don't go askin' me to come to one of your tent revivals, you'll probably make me eat a live chicken or somethin' "!
"Not on your first visit!"
Yep that is me! Be creative!
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